In Day 1 we will focus our presentations and discussions around organizational models, practices and sustainability ideas for African open access legal publishers. Kenya Law Reports will provide the participants with a thorough presentation on the National Council for Law Reporting model as one of the biggest successes for free access to law in Africa. AfricanLII will provide an overview of the successful, and less so, models of LIIs emerging across Africa and across the world. 

The Uganda Legal Information Institute (ULII), the Zambia Legal Information Institute (ZambiaLII) and the Zimbabwe Legal Information Institute (ZimLII) will share their own organizational models and practices. Their presentation will be guided by the research matrix contained within the methodology guide the Free Access to Law, Is it Here to Stay? Project. The project was the first, and thus far only, major study attempting to study and create a systematic body of knowledge around those practices that could potentially assist open access legal publishers in carrying out succcesful operations and creating sustainable organizations. 


In systematizing the information for the participants' presentations, the focus will fall on items 1 through to 2.1 inclusive on pages 35-36 of the Guide, and then 2.3 and 2.4 on pages 38 and 39. ZimLII and ZambiaLII are at early inception stages (though with longer histories of publishing legal information in Africa) so their presentations may omit certain information or include future plans.